Promoting commerce and industry amongst the Bangladeshi diaspora within the UK, EU and the EU Member States.

Providing a network and resource facility for the business community of Bangladeshi origin/ interest.

Setting up of chambers or similar entities with each of the 27 EU countries and others.
EBFCI's Key Objectives
The Europe Bangladesh Federation of Commerce and Industry (EBFCI)

Advocacy and Representation
EBFCI advocates for its members' interests and lobbies for favourable trade policies.

Networking Opportunities
EBFCI organises networking events and fosters a collaborative environment.

Business Support and Development
EBFCI offers comprehensive support services, including training and advisory.

Market Access and Trade Promotion
EBFCI facilitates market access, promotes trade, and provides market insights.

Information and Research
EBFCI conducts research and shares information on market trends and economic conditions.

Dispute Resolution
EBFCI offers mediation and arbitration services to resolve disputes

Community Engagement and Corporate Social Responsibility
EBFCI promotes CSR and supports community development.

Training and Education
EBFCI organises educational programs to enhance business professionals' skills.

Business Recognition and Awards
EBFCI acknowledges and celebrates the successes of businesses.

International Relations
EBFCI maintains strong ties with international trade organizations and facilitates cross-border trade.